Thursday 30 May 2013

State Of Emergency: Advice To The People Of The Affected States

State Of Emergency: Advice To The People Of The Affected States

Soldiers  1. Always try and move along with your ID cards.
2. Avoid unnecessary movement, stay at home or environ unless when necessary.
3. Always be in possession as much as possible food stuffs at home and other basic amenities (water & drugs).
4. Avoid unnecessary gathering and prolong staying outside your house and environ.
5. Dress decently and always try to look responsible.
6. Avoid making unnecessary calls while driving.
7.if you have car make sure your boot is empty except basic tools.
8. Avoid giving lift to unknown persons.
9. Be patient while you are in check point or traffic jam.
10. If you notice any terrorist around you or activities secretly going on around you, kindly leave the area and report immediately to any soldier on duty.
11. Avoid talking too much even on Facebook or other social media.
12. Do not open your door for strangers except military men on duty.
13. Never put hands on your pocket while walking on the street.
14. Avoid carrying black plastics bags.
15. Above all no put mouth for wetin no concern u bifor soldier take koboko design Ur ikebe & keep praying for Almighty God to bring peace and the end of terror activities in Nigeria.

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